CLIENT - LifeStylesatHome Ads
Job spec: After winning a 3-way pitch we were tasked with producing an all-new 32-page
catalogue to showcase the 'lifestyle' collection of products and compliment the newly
created LifestylesatHome website. This is the client's first 'own brand' catalogue
but they have many years experience of offering a similar product range through Reader
Offers in the national press - with off-the-page ads and dual branded catalogues.
Our brief, therefore, was to give this catalogue its own identity and its own style
of product presentation whilst retaining key elements of the house style.
Feedback since the catalogue was sent out has been very positive and we have since
been working on off-the-page ads.
LifeStylesatHome Ads
Happy catalogue clients have asked us to design and write off-the-page ads to appear
in both national press and niche publications. Head-to-head testing (using the A/B
split method) has proved that we can increase response rates by over 40% on those
achieved by incumbent ad agencies. Click here to return to index.
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A4CS Ltd
Freelance catalogue designer
Telephone: (44) 020 8972 9722
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